27 in the Q

Q stands for “quarantine”, which isn’t exactly the correct term to use because I do not have covid and I have not traveled anywhere, thus I don’t really need to be quarantined (just socially distancing). Which, for an extrovert, still sucks.
Like many of you, I am one of the birthday peeps who will need to find creative ways to celebrate their birthday at home without friends but luckily, I can still celebrate with my household members.
For context, I am that annoying bitch who celebrates her birthday for a whole month. I don’t really know how else to explain this except that people are only free on the weekends and if you want to spend quality time with multiple groups of friends, one big party is not going to cut it.
And also I love birthdays because woohoo you are alive for another year. GO YOU! Why are you not happy about this? If you don’t like celebrating your own birthday, I can respect that since it’s your day. But do not tell me how to celebrate my birthday please.
So yes, this year is going to be very different because I will not be planning multiple dinners and parties. I will not be making reservations at restaurants. I will just be at home ordering take out, wondering how many of my friends will text me happy birthday (please text me).
I think as you get older, birthdays suck more because you’re tired and you can’t drink and you think omg I’m old. You don’t really get any presents, or at least, presents you actually want. Like imagine you as a child receiving a new toy and inviting your classmates to your house for a party. You’re just running around in your backyard or playing with a balloon but it is fun.
Now imagine you as a child receiving socks from that uncle you never speak to. You think socks? I didn’t want socks… Now imagine that feeling sticking to you forever. Birthdays as an adult is like receiving socks as a child. The sad truth is that now you actually wouldn’t mind receiving some socks.
As an adult, birthdays just aren’t special anymore. You don’t go to sleep or wake up anticipating it. You think 27 is not too different from 26 or 28 or maybe even 37. It’s just another number, another year. You think that you are simply not that special anymore.
But I think I am! And I think you are! I think birthdays are special. And I think they are special because this is literally the day you joined the world. Your very existence is a gift. Think about your significant other or your parents or your best friend. You mean a lot to them. They are happy you are here and this was the day that made it all happen.
In conclusion, I think we should all celebrate birthdays because we simply need to celebrate our selves more. This is a happy occasion and with all the bad stuff that happens around the world, we need more happy.
Sincerely, Loewe