Things my dog makes me think about part 1

The other day, I was sitting in my living room cross-legged on the floor. My puppy, Tofu, came over happily to lick my face and then proceeded to fall asleep on my legs. It was very cute so I decided I was not allowed to move until he woke up.
So I sat there doing nothing except watching the sunshine soak into my apartment and the quiet sounds of my boyfriend taking a shower in the ensuite. I started thinking about how happy and blessed I am. It made me remember the days when I was depressed and I shed tears as I thought about it.
I remembered one dinner conversation I had with my parents on my birthday. I was trying my best to have a good time with my parents at the restaurant, but I actually wanted to just go home and lie in bed and not have to pretend like everything was ok.
We talked about possibly getting me a dog, a conversation that normally never pops up in my family because my mom is pretty against having pets in the house because they are dirty. My parents thought a dog would help distract me and give me something to focus and work on instead of being all depressed at home. They told me a dog could help me see I am loved.
Recalling that memory made the present moment feel special because now here I am with a pupper in my lap who loves me and wants to fall asleep in my legs. I sit here in a beautiful apartment I can call my own home with my wonderful boyfriend who is so great to me. I feel like I have all the happiness in the world.
I cried thinking about the old me, who, for some reason, felt like she would never get to where I am now.
And now here I am.
Sincerely, Loewe