Things my dog makes me think about part 2

So I’ve had Tofu for 3 months now and today I want to write a little about how he has affected my parents.
Growing up, my parents didn’t allow my sister or I to have a pet. My mom especially was against dogs because she thinks they are dirty. When I told my parents I was going to get a puppy, my mom sighed and said something along the lines of “Aiya, don’t ask us to babysit!”
After meeting Tofu, my parents did a total 180. They love my dog and are always open to dog-sitting. Because my dog is still a puppy, he still has potty accidents. He peed and pooped on the living carpet once and my parents weren’t even mad. They just scolded my dog but were smiling while cleaning up after him – I was shocked!
They smile and laugh at everything he does. They also spoil him by feeding him strawberries and treats, things I usually don’t give my puppy unless he is successful in training. In the last 8 years, I’ve never really seen my mom or dad run but they will run while walking my dog. I feel that my dog is making them happier than before and it’s nice to spend time together walking him and talking about him.
The amount of joy Tofu brings to me and my family makes me feel very grateful and touched. I’m not sure if it’s because of his cute appearance or just the fact that he loves us so much and his live fills up our hearts and makes us smile ear to ear. When his tail starts wagging like crazy at my mom’s voice, it makes her happy. When he sleeps next to my dad’s tummy, he is happy.
And when I see my parents happy and lovely, I am happy.
Sincerely, Loewe